When the women first heard
the news, they turned away,
unwilling to hear the truth,
fearing my dear Joseph
would run. But then,
when he stayed
and my belly swelled,
they fought one another
for a chance to touch me.
As my hopes grew stronger,
I eagerly dreamed of birthing
this Child. Soon, as always,
the women grew bored
as I became just another

When the women first heard
the news, they turned away,
unwilling to hear the truth,
fearing my dear Joseph
would run. But then,
when he stayed
and my belly swelled,
they fought one another
for a chance to touch me.
As my hopes grew stronger,
I eagerly dreamed of birthing
this Child. Soon, as always,
the women grew bored
as I became just another
young girl with child. If only
they'd looked in my eyes.
they'd looked in my eyes.
poem inspired by artwork created by
(and used with permission of) Christine Valters Paintner
Another great poetic response Rich, I love this entering into Mary's imagination and the surprise of the final line. thanks so much for participating!
Interesting thoughts and wonderful image.
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