Winter full moon rising
casts a whispery river of light
across my bedsheets.
Climbing into the ready boat
I sail, while overhead,
supernal geese squawk loudly
at this pajama-clad pilgrim.
Trees on the shore nod slowly
having seen this sight before.
Needing neither oars nor rudder,
but only a heart for our Creator,
I gently journey mapless
toward the advent of tomorrow.
casts a whispery river of light
across my bedsheets.
Climbing into the ready boat
I sail, while overhead,
supernal geese squawk loudly
at this pajama-clad pilgrim.
Trees on the shore nod slowly
having seen this sight before.
Needing neither oars nor rudder,
but only a heart for our Creator,
I gently journey mapless
toward the advent of tomorrow.
- poem inspired by photograph taken by
(and used with permission of)
Christine Valters Paintner at http://www.abbeyofthearts.com
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Rich, what a stunning poem again, I love the image of floating in a boat on the moon's river of light -- that will linger with me. Thanks for your wonderful participation.
Thanks, Chrsitine, for your irresistible prompts.
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