Pilgrim Path

This blog is the work of a seeker and poet. Walking stick in hand, I head out into the world, not of the world, but in the world. My words and my friends carry me along and light the pilgrim path of spiritual journeys.

Friday, August 22, 2008


A sandy footpath slowly rises,
slyly diverting my eyes and mind
from thoughts of the strength I’ll need
to complete this midday summer hike.
Last autumn’s leaves mix with sand,
crunching as I step, then leap, dodging
shallow roots that threaten to trip me.

A stone labyrinth distracts me
as I begin my inner journey.
Above, red, yellow and orange cliffs
dazzle with their light and beauty,
while silver and green scrub and wild sage

fool me into believing I’m in a garden.
An occasional swig of water
keeps my parched throat open
to proclaim the treasures ‘round each corner.

Down I head, into the canyon,
smelling present water, teasing me
it remains hidden. Stilling my tongue,
I hear the delicate sound
of a cool, refreshing stream of water
tumbling over sandstone rocks.

My breathing becomes labored
despite the slow pace as I step
farther into the deep canyon glen.
Blessed tall pines filter light
and heat from the midday sun,
just as my overheated brain
conjures a solid door,
breaking my pilgrim heart
and stealing my shallow breath.

Only a few minutes farther to finish,
but this spot invites me to stay,
to sit, to rest, to give up false goals.
My body speaks in urgent pain,
craving unseen water.
Let me lie among these rocks,
dream and gather spirit strength.
A journey just begun.

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Blogger Robert Johnson said...

Really like this - lovely!

6:46 PM  

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