He wore the burden
of beauty not well.
And so one day,
escaping his cage,
a prison no more,
he stood still on the ground,
and found no one noticed.
He missed the acclaim
so spreading his feathers
he tried to return to
the confines of old
and found
a thousand eyes on him.
Happy at last.
Happy at last.
Inspiration and artwork courtesy of and used by permission of
Christine Valters Paintner at abbeyofthearts.com
(Edit note: My brother in Christ,
John the Baptist, spotted my error.
A peacock is, in fact, the male of the
species. I've revised the poem to reflect
this fact. I think it makes the poem all
the more interesting now. Eh?)
Beautiful Rich, really. Thank you!
I just posted another image to inspire you to more poetry! :-)
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